Cause we appreciate our workers

We love to break the rules, but not when it comes to workers rights, which we take extremely seriously, cause we value every worker as the human being she/he is. This should not even be a question, we think so anyway. It is our responsibility to ensure safe, healthy and fair working conditions for all of our employees and supplier’s employees. This is why we cultivate a zero tolerance towards child and forced labor, unregulated working hours or wages below the legal minimum.
We strongly believe in our codex of rules (“Code of Conduct”) and require full compliance from all our suppliers and subcontractors. We are putting a lot of effort in verifying these strict regulations by systematic audits and inspections. If a case of non-compliance is identified, suppliers will be granted a transitional period, at the end of which, if the situation hasn’t improved, the contract will be terminated.
We want to support a better world where misconducts and disrespect don’t exist. That’s why we like to build on trustworthy and long-term relationships with regular exchange. The majority of our suppliers have been working with us for more than 4 years, some even over 10 years. We mainly produce in Bangladesh, China, Pakistan and Cambodia as well as in Morocco, Turkey, Portugal and Tunisia.
In May 2014, we have also joined the Bangladesh Accord to support a comprehensive and independent inspection of all garment factories in Bangladesh and contributing to improving fire and building safety on site. Because this is an important matter to us, no factory in Bangladesh may manufacture TALLY WEiJL products without being listed in the Accord Active Factory list.
We know, we are not perfect, but we do our best to keep improving and make the world a better place for factory workers. Next step for us is to join the Better Work Program.

TALLY WEiJL, main image for Women